Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and praise!

Revelation 5:12


CONQUERED BY YOUR GRACE (feat. Katherine Arena)

Jesus paid for our full freedom on Calvary. We are no longer held bound by the law, and we are called to live in the gospel of grace. This means, there is nothing else I have left to do anymore.

This song is a declaration of the gospel. His grace — which does not make sense to our finite minds, is what has saved us, freed us, and allowed us to become like Him, enabling us to live free. His mercy is undeserved, yet it is given so freely.

It is a paradox. It is upside down. It is His Kingdom fully revealed, through the cross.


Released on June 24, 2022, 126 is a prophetic declaration based out of Psalm 126, pointing back to the restorative nature of the Father for those who are in anguish and heavy-laden. In the beginning of this year, I had a deep and genuine encounter with the Lord at Passion Conference and God had set me free from depression & anxiety. A couple days after, the Lord led me to this Psalm and led me to compose a song on His goodness and how He is a God of restoration. My prayer for you is that you may encounter His grace and mercy if you find yourself burdened. He cares for you.



Released on October 15, 2021, Enlighten (Hear The Sound) is a prophetic declaration and heart cry for the Lord to rain down revival across the earth. In the light of the events of 2020 and 2021, Ribeiro was compelled by the Lord to write a sung prayer of alignment and surrender for the church to cry out to be in the center of God’s will. Now is not the time to be silent but to go out and declare the good news of the gospel of Jesus!

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Released on January 15, 2021, Sanctuary (Let This Be A Place) is a song that explains our desire of being in the presence of God, asking for our lives to be sanctuaries for His presence to dwell in us, just as He did in the tabernacle with the people of Israel. Inspired by the construction of the tabernacle, in Exodus 25:8, this song is a cry for all of God's children for our lives to be sanctified and be made Holy by His Presence.

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Released to the general public on August 21, 2020, God of Victory is Ribeiro's first single ever released. It is a song which depicts the story of the gospel as our victory, attained through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.